Tượng chibi 3D làm theo yêu cầu:
– Bảng giá: Xem tại đây
– Báo chí nói về Tượng Chibi Tamy:
* HTV7: https://bit.ly/3DPN3Sn
* Báo dân trí: https://bit.ly/3MC5i1r
* Báo vnexpress: https://bit.ly/3VwlLZ7
* Báo công luận: https://bit.ly/3ezJhnv
*Báo thanh niên: https://bit.ly/3SmEunh
* Báo tuổi trẻ: https://bit.ly/3CSlDLb
* Báo 24h.com: https://bit.ly/3f0YEpu
* kênh ytb talkshow: https://bit.ly/3Tn33Sz
* VTC: https://bit.ly/3TPCzcg
– Thời gian: Từ 2 ngày đến 10 ngày , tùy số lượng (tùy sản phẩm).
– Chất liệu tượng: Đất sét tạo hình, không độc hại, khô cứng và dẻo, bền màu theo năm tháng.
– Độ bền sản phẩm: Trên 10 năm.
– Loại tượng: Có 3 loại ( Chibi – Doll tả thực – Điêu khắc truyền thần).
– Kích thước của tượng: 10cm đến 20cm – tính chiều cao tượng từ đầu đến chân.
– Phụ kiện: Ảnh nền, hộp mica, chụp thủy tinh, nhựa giả gỗ,v.v
– Dựng cảnh: Nếu có yêu cầu.
– Bảo hành : Một lần trọn đời.
– Quy cách đóng gói : Thùng carton, mốp xốp, chống va đập, đảm bảo hàng nguyên vẹn đến tay khách hàng.
– Giao hàng : HCM + Toàn Quốc + Các nước khác.
– Zalo :
Mr Đức 0783893888
Miss Như: 0898678587
-Địa chỉ : 63/8 Trần Văn Ơn , Tân Sơn Nhì , Tân Phú , HCM
- Website:
Christian Mother’s Day is a special day dedicated to honoring and celebrating the important role that mothers play in our lives. The holiday is typically celebrated on the second Sunday in May, just like Mother’s Day in general. For Christians, Mother’s Day is an opportunity to recognize the sacrifices and love that mothers demonstrate, reflecting the love that God has for his children. Many churches will often hold special services or events to honor mothers on this day, offering prayers and blessings for them.
On Christian Mother’s Day, many people around the world will take the time to reflect on the biblical teachings surrounding motherhood. Proverbs 31:25-26 states, “She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue.” These verses highlight the strength, wisdom, and grace that mothers embody in their daily lives. It serves as a reminder of the important role mothers play in raising children and providing guidance and support.
Celebrating Christian Mother’s Day can take many forms, from attending church services to planning special activities or gifts for mothers. Some families may choose to spend the day together, sharing stories and memories of their mothers and reflecting on the impact they have had on their lives. Others may choose to give gifts or flowers as tokens of appreciation, to show their love and gratitude for all that their mothers do.
In conclusion, Christian Mother’s Day is a special holiday that provides an opportunity to honor and celebrate the love and sacrifices of mothers. It is a time to reflect on the biblical teachings surrounding motherhood and to show our appreciation for the important role that mothers play in our lives. Whether through attending church services, spending time together as a family, or giving gifts, Christian Mother’s Day is a time to express our love and gratitude for the women who have shaped us into who we are today. So, let us take this opportunity to thank our mothers, not just on this special day, but every day, for their unwavering love and support.